Whole wheat bread.

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     If you want to eat real whole wheat bread, you must try this. I would like to present whole wheat bread. Use 100% whole wheat flour, add honey and black sesame seeds, cut into thin or thick slices as you like.

Ingredients Whole wheat bread

      3 cups whole wheat flour
      1+1/4 cups water
      1 tbsp yeast
      1/6 cup honey
      1/6 cup olive oil
      1/2 tsp salt
      Black sesame สมัคร ufabet 

How to make whole wheat bread:

   1. Measure the flour by using a spoon to fluff the flour first, then slowly scoop into the cup one spoon at a time without shaking the cup or tapping the flour down. When it is full, use the handle of the spoon to scrape it off. Measure out 3 cups and set aside.
     2. Put the yeast in a cup of warm water. Divide the measured flour into 1 cup and add it. Mix until combined and let the yeast wake up.
     3. Put the remaining flour into a mixing bowl, add salt, oil and honey. (Normally, measuring cups do not have 1/6 cup size, so use 1/4 cup but put it a little lower than the cup.) Mix well. Pour the yeast mixture into the flour mixture. Knead or beat continuously until the dough is no longer sticky and does not stick to your hands when held. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let it rest in a warm place for about 20 minutes. (In the recipe, microwave it alone for about 30 seconds, then put the bowl of flour mixture in and let it rest. Do not! turn on the microwave.)

How to make whole wheat bread:

     3. Prepare the mold by brushing the mold with olive oil, sprinkle flour on it and tap the mold.
     4. After the dough has doubled, add the black sesame seeds, fold it back and forth to mix well, then spread the dough out to the width of the mold. Then roll the dough tightly, and don’t forget to use your hands to press the seam to seal it. Then put the dough in the mold and cover it loosely with plastic wrap. Put it back in the microwave for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
     5. When the dough is almost done, preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius, using top and bottom heat. Bake the bread for about 45 minutes. To check if the bread is done, use a spoon to tap it. If it sounds hollow, it is done. Remove from the oven and remove from the mold immediately. If you leave it, it will be soggy. Turn it over and leave it on a wire rack until it cools completely.
     6. Slice the bread with a serrated knife. This bread should be kept in the refrigerator because it does not contain preservatives. If you leave it outside, it will grow mold. If you are eating alone, divide it and put it in the freezer. The night before eating, divide it and put it in the regular compartment. You can eat it in the morning.